Well, I must add something to Yoshitatsu's 'English'. This new version has major two attempts to be included. The first is to prepare a toolkit for our next real work, which includes 3 button menu like an acme's menu for other GUI programs. The second is, of course, his exercise for his skill-up, where he tried to use bc(1) for a calculation engine connected to the main GUI program with a pipe. "dialogbox" is implemented by just re-definning Image *screen in the same window, which is a false idea we know, which should have been done through making a new window for this dialogbox. This is an example of bad implementation. :-) Yoshitatsu and I have no enough time now. He is now in the last year of his graduate course, and have to do his own geology work. He has been busy for getting his main job from next April, and he got it in a Japanese software company. Therefore, he may be able to concentrate in this field from next April. ^_^ He and I are going to do our major from now, however, his work is much related to develope a program for our work, however, it will be usefull to very limited number of users here (I suppose). If you have questions or suggestions to this program, please contact Yoshitatsu first, and then to me silently (if you have problem to communicate with him in English). Kenji