I tried twice with XOS and Demos/MP. XOS was a traditional capability system, Demos a less traditional and more usable one. XOS was mine, Demos/MP from Los Alamos/Stanford. Demos is described in an old SOSP (in the 70's), XOS in a OSR in the 80's. We had the usual problem with persistence; garbage collecting the capabilities, revoking old capabilities, building tools to walk the arbitrary graphs that resulted and make some sense of them, ... Even something like tar turned into a major pain in the backside to build. When you gave someone a capability, you had to do a transitive closure of the access of that capability to figure out what you were giving away or restrict the capability to be intransitive. The result was a lot more copying. On the positive side, access control was nicer. Unfortunately, that was the only plus. I keep believing that capabilities are a good idea but the concept requires someone better than me to implement.