Yes, that's right. I'm sorry. When I posted the first mail, I could not receive that copy from the mailing-list for a long time. It may be attributed to cracking by someone to our Univ's mail server, of course not to ours. :-) So let me try once more again here. I placed two interesting (to whom???) images showing our developping 'planv' software which has an acme-like user interface to deal with images. The one ( shows two images, the left of which is a Viking image of Tyrrhena volcano on Mars, and the right indicates altitude distribution of that area built from MOLA data by Mars Global Surveyor. The brighter is higher. The color is somewhat different from our real ones, probably changed through converting from image(6) format to gif format. Please note it has two windows with vertical boundary like acme, and has a menu bar somewhat different from that of acme. The menu bars look like such on other GUI software, howerver, it has different user interface. The items on the bar show one of selectable items, and do it by pressing middle button imediately. The third button on each menu browses the content of that category menu. The left button points to some help menu by showing the name of that category. Another ( shows more of the details of user interface. The left two images are same to the above. The upper right image shows our file browser interface, the left hand side for directory, and right hand side for files of the selected directory. The yellow line under those two window shows input field for keyboard. You can change directory directly by using that line from keyboard. The lower right image indicates how we can choose the interesting area on MOLA data using mouse. We can move each window left-to-right or up-to-down by holding the top-left corner box as same as acme does. We are still working on this programs, and if you have any suggestion please let us know it. We will make this public when we are ready in a near future. Yoshitatsu has time limit to accomplish this ^_^, so it may not take so long time, I believe. Kenji