the installation kernel knows of nvidia, however the p9 distribution you installed does not.. the message 'unknown controller' is indicative of aux/vga (the new one you installed) not having nvidia support.. download the vganvidia.c, nvidia.c and something.h files and do the following: just add the nvidia.c and registers.h (forgot the exact name) to /sys/src/cmd/aux/vga/, edit the mkfile to get nvidia.c to compile, edit data.c to add nvidia and nvidiahwgc controllers (the Ctlr* ctlrs[] at the beginning) and you're almost set.. type 'mk install' in the same directory (disk/kfscmd allow may be required) and you'll have an aux/vga that speaks nvidia.. restart and mail me privately if it's still not working (you may have to add support in the kernel too -- the vganvidia.c file is for that)... andrey