We ported netpipe natively... It has some nasty code in it that has nothing to do with optimization. It's simply not written following TPOP. Attached is a jpg plot of the data received from netpipe. Measured are Linux (RH7.2), FreeBSD (4.4) and Plan9, where Plan 9 is tested on both 100baseT and Gigabit Ethernet (setup as before)... If you need the netpipe code mail me privately and I'll send it to you monday, but have in mind that it's rather nasty. Some strange behaviour to be noted -- in both cases (100mbit and gige) the test slowed down to a significant crawl when the datasize became larger. The GigE interface showed very large variations at the end (it is plotted with points simply because the lines were too discouraging). Again, this could be a consequence of the port. Both Linux and FreeBSD completed all 127(128?) iterations, but data at the end was removed (it continued the shape of the curve without significant change). andrey