Sorry, Plan 9 does not use cursor keys in editing, not even for left/right. This is a design decision. Plan 9 use the mouse as it's main form of interaction. The keyboard, you might say, is an necessary evil for the entry of characters, but not much else. Everything in acme is done using the mouse apart for text entry (and acme does everything). To recap the logic (it has been repeated many times in the archives), once you switch to mouse centric operation, you become faster, not slower. It may be counterintuitive, but I believe it has been shown by research, not that I can quote anything. You have to move your hands to get to the cursor keys, so it's a whole bunch better if your default position is holding the mouse as it does lots of things besides positioning the cursor. We've all been keyboard centric at one time in our lives, and I think I speak for the vast majority of the list when I say that we don't miss cursor keys. At all. In fact, quite a few people buy keyboards without cursor keys, function keys, windows keys, number pads and reclaim a good square foot of their desk. So, stick with it, persevere, and you'll hopefully feel the benefit. Nigel