
My name is Marc Janeway and I have a site about mp3 and it contains resources related to this and this is the url: "qozi.com/mp3".
I think our sites are compatible and I would like very much to exchange links with your site: http://plan9.escet.urjc.es/.

If you don't agree with that, just ignore this message, but if you like the idea you can fill in the form at: http://www.qozi.com/mp3/form.html and you will see your link up on our site in a day or two.

Also in order for you to link to us you might use this information:

URL: http://www.qozi.com/mp3/
Title: Mp3 Resources
Description: mp3 related news, books and web resources

or you can copy & paste this :


<a href="http://www.qozi.com/mp3/">Mp3 Resources</a> - mp3 related news, books and web resources.<br><br>


Best Regards,
Marc Janeway