Thank you, Andery. I boot it up. --- andrey mirtchovski 的正文: > here's some help material: > > > > > Hi, > > I am a beginner in plan9. I have installed it on > > vmware4.5 but I can not boot up. but I can bootup > on > > vmware3.1. Could anyone can tell me how to boot > on > > vmware4.x? Thanks a lot! > > > > > _________________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > 聙聙聙聙聙聙太小聙聙聙呕聙聙聙聙聙聙聙聙聙聙聙聙荩 > > >* > > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 嫌邮箱太小?雅虎电邮自助扩容!*