I'm using qemu-0.9.0-windows with no troubles at all, Heres my batch file: [CODE] REM Start qemu on windows. @ECHO OFF SET SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windib SET SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dsound SET QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=dsound qemu.exe -L . -m 128 -cdrom plan9.iso -boot d [/CODE] I'm using a very recent nightly ISO, I never get any mouse issues, but I haven't really played around with it much, no modified plan9.ini, no nothing... Since I haven't got around the slow copying to the vm's hd issue, I can't "install to hd", so I can't really start setting the ether card and I even can't "put" in acme :-) Does this help in anyway ? Ram Kromberg ramkromberg@mail.com