The delay I'm referring to is the q&a: When not installing but rather using the live boot, you are presented whenever you start the machine with a series of questions (monitor, res, mouse), I managed to set plan9.ini in the floppy image so that only one question will be presented, but that is still one question too much.
Thats should be relevantly easy to those who are more experienced with plan9 then me - which should be just about anyone in this forum...

The slow copy to HD is, as you said, me referring to the installation process, this problem is consistent in all VM I tried to install plan 9 onto (vmware, virtual pc, parallels, many many others...) so I'm guessing it has something to do with how plan9 acts rather then how the different VMs preform, maybe this can be addressed in form of a kernel patch ? I wouldn't know as I was yet to successfully diagnose the the exact cause of the problem... - Thats the Todo part :-)
This requires a programmer that is capable to do what is required and hopefully incorporate this modifications to the main build (one of the nightly builds) so this won't require an attachment to this guide but rather will be specified in the guide as a requirement to an updated version of plan9.iso.

Their is also the issue of the sound, mp3 playback would be nice, but I think that at least the /bin/games/* that require sound should work

Though I think this procedure is relatively safe to the experienced user - without other people testing and feedbacking on it I stick to a strong warning about hell's minions erupting from your monitor to devour your souls and so and so...
Obviously the final step would be to upload a corrected and reorganized version of this guide - again by someone other then me that has access to the wiki and is less orinted to the random histerical shouting of  "Beware the Darkness !!! The BSoD shall be its precursor !!!" ;-).

Ram Kromberg
