I think I fundamentally misunderstand how the wiki works, working with "http://plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/Acme_wiki_instructions/index.html" I'm finding the system less intuitive then author intended :-( Basically I "srv net!plan9.bell-labs.com!wiki wiki /mnt/wiki" and then "acme /mnt/wiki/" to find the sandbox "/mnt/wiki/sandbox/index.html" with permissions denied, So I'm thinking "obviously this is database driven like php and alike" so I'm trying to write stuff to the index.txt, again no luck :-( next is the sub-directories, again "permission denied"... Maybe its a question of overwriting other people work ? no new file allowed to be put... I know its probably something very basic in not just how the wiki works but probably how plan 9 works, unfortunately I just can't figure it out, I'm guessing I'm simply trying to edit the wrong files, or I need to auth for read/write access, but I just don't get it... P.S: Though I understand that limiting access to editing using plan 9 itself rather then having an edit button is useful in reducing vandalism, I still prefer having an edit button in a browser, but I guess a browser will be a good start ;-) Help Ram Kromberg ramkromberg@mail.com