On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 08:39:24AM -0700, Skip Tavakkolian wrote: >cpu% netstat | grep https >tcp 25 none Listen https 0 :: >cpu% grep '/net/tcp/25' /proc/*/fd >/proc/8429/fd: 13 rw I 0 (000000000002040c 0 00) 0 2 /net/tcp/25/listen >cpu% ps -eaf|grep 8429 >none 8429 0:00 0:00 1404K Pread httpd ? >fst 17202 0:00 0:00 156K Pread grep 8429 >cpu% I don't think that helps. As he said, you usually just see the open clone file for apps which are listening. The open on the listen file doesn't return until there's an incoming connection, so it's only ever visible for programs with active incoming connections. There might be a simpler (and faster) way, but something like this will probably get you what you want: #!/bin/rc port = $1 cd /net/tcp c = `{grep -l !$port'$' */local | sed 's,/.*,,'} l = `{grep -l '^Listen' $c^/status | sed 's,/.*,,'} q = `{du -q $l^/ctl | awk '{print $1}'} grep -l -e^$q /proc/*/fd | awk -F/ '{print $3}' -- Kris Maglione People to whom you are attracted invariably thing you remind them of someone else.