On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 10:17:17AM -0600, andrey mirtchovski wrote: > i just found a small program i had forgotten about that mimics unix' > lsof. it's in /contrib/andrey/cmd/lsof.c I don't really see the point. It seems only marginally easier, if at all, than grepping /proc/*/fd. Most of the time, I think you'd want to grap the output, anyway, in which case, it's easier to just grep /proc. But, assuming it's useful, why write it in C when you may as well write it in rc? #!/bin/rc if(~ $#* 0) * = `{cd /proc; echo *} grep '.?' /proc/^$*^/fd | sed 's,^/proc/([0-9]+)/fd:,\1 ,' -- Kris Maglione You can't fix it if it ain't broke.