On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 06:55:45PM +0100, Steve Simon wrote: >I changed the selected text colour in sam to a darker grey-green, >by editing the source. In my defence the default colour is almost >invisible on my laptops LCD display. I don't see why you'd need a defense. If the color scheme is making it harder to do your work, then I don't see how you could be denounced for changing it. I, personally, have a hard time distinguishing the background color of the selected text in acme, possibly because I'm color blind. I sometimes have to get close to the screen and squint when matching parens and braces. I should change it. But that's really pretty minor. When I sit in front of a foreign linux box and type ls, I usually get a listing in harsh colors, some of which I need to get closer to the screen and squint just to make out words. It seems that whenever I see a screenshot of a curses app, there are bright and harsh colors, usually blues and reds, and I'm astounded that people can tolerate looking at them for hours. That's my only motivation for changing X resources. Plan 9's color scheme, on the other hand, is generally agreeable, and I've never really felt much desire to meddle with it. -- Kris Maglione To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.