On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 09:37:25PM +0200, Enrico Weigelt wrote: >Ah, ok, there it is :) >But it doesn't seem to work properly w/ the u9fs + npfs servers. >"wmirr ls -ld /etc" works as it should (like /bin/ls does), but >other commands (ie read or ls w/o -d) do not output anything. > >I compared the server debug between linux kernel client and wmirr, >seems that an Topen is missing at wmirr. According to styxmon, spfs's ufs (which crashes on me when I close the connection) sends Ropen with an iounit of 0. % listen -A tcp!localhost!6660 {styxmon {os dial tcp!localhost!6538>[1=0]}} Tmsg.Version(65535,65535,"9P2000") Rmsg.Version(65535,8216,"9P2000") Tmsg.Attach(1,1,4294967295,"kris","") Rmsg.Attach(1,Qid(16r2,1177900453,16r80)) Tmsg.Walk(0,1,2,nil) Rmsg.Walk(0,array[] of {}) Tmsg.Stat(1,2) Rmsg.Stat(1,Dir("","root","wheel",Qid(16r2,1177900453,16r80),8r20000000755,1183060067,1177900453,0,16r0,0)) Tmsg.Clunk(1,2) Rmsg.Clunk(1) Tmsg.Walk(0,1,2,nil) Rmsg.Walk(0,array[] of {}) Tmsg.Open(1,2,0) Rmsg.Open(1,Qid(16r2,1177900453,16r80),0) styxmon: eof from tmsg -- Kris Maglione To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer.