Dear List, 1) I have been playing with fs(3). Unfortunately the clear command mentioned in the man page does not seem to exist. cpu% echo clear > /dev/fs/ctl echo: write error: unknown control message "clear" whereas fs(3) says: clear Discard all fs device definitions. One of each is wrong here ;) 2) I wanted to use fs(3) to setup mirrored venti arenas, and indeces. Now with fs I only get one device after a echo mirror m0 /dev/sdC1/data /dev/sdD0/data > /dev/fs/ctl I have read in earlier threads that it is possible to disk/part the m0 device. How can I specify the partitions later on? Also This seems to fail: cpu% disk/prep -a^(isect arenas fscfg) /dev/fs/m0 > /dev/fs/ctl no plan9 partition table found fscfg 1 arenas 558164159 isect 27908208 ' fscfg 0 1 (1 sectors, 512 B ) ' arenas 1 558164160 (558164159 sectors, 266.15 GB) ' isect 558164160 586072368 (27908208 sectors, 13.30 GB) >>> w adding part failed: fscfg: wrong #args in control message "part fscfg 0 1" adding part failed: arenas: wrong #args in control message "part arenas 1 558164160" adding part failed: isect: wrong #args in control message "part isect 558164160 586072368" ?warning: partitions could not be updated in devsd >>> q Is this supposed to work? Doing it a second time disk/part tells me: cpu% disk/prep -a^(isect arenas fscfg) /dev/fs/m0 > /dev/fs/ctl partitions already exist; not repartitioning >>> q The '>/dev/fs/ctl' part comes from a mail from erik (Message-ID: 2cb5e9b012d84b84ab0216685114e141 () coraid ! com ) Should I mirror each partition separately then? Thanks for your precious time, Christian -- You may use my gpg key for replies: pub 1024D/47F79788 2005/02/02 Christian Kellermann (C-Keen)