Hullo list. is a proposal from some years ago from TIP9UG to do multi-domain authentication in a way somewhat reminiscent of Kerberos.[1] The only change to factotum, AFAICT, was the following addition: > if(_strfindattr(s->key->attr, "grid")){ > snprint(s->t.suid, sizeof s->t.suid, "%s@%s", s->t.cuid, _strfindattr(s->key->attr, "dom")); > safecpy(s->t.cuid, s->t.suid, sizeof s->t.cuid); > flog("grid user: %s", s->t.suid); > } in the SHaveAuth case of p9skread. This seems like a good way to go about MDA, so I am curious why this change didn't get put back into the mainline code? Is there something fundamentally wrong? Was a different approach selected? Was the issue simply tabled? Thanks. --nwf; [1] I say similar to Kerberos in that it requires a domain A wishing to accept identities from domain B to have a key from B's authsrv. It differs from Kerberos in that users in domain B act as if B's authsrv was the authenticator for domain A.