wrote: |> And cheap, energy efficient computers for poor kids, which is |> a good thing, | |I have access to a few thousands "poor kids", age 0 to 18. Could I |please have some of these "cheap, energy efficient computers" for |them? I can't help you there -- not from me. |Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't say anything about Africa, though let me doubt wether all african chiefs would agree with you. Nor wether those which don't possibly would be right or not. Since it's Christmas today, one of the most interesting and likely true things i've ever read from a Christian is quoted in Peter Scholl-Latour's «Mord am großen Fluß. Ein Vierteljahrhundert afrikanische Unabhängigkeit» («Murder at the big river. A quarter of a century of African Independence»), somewhen in the 60s a (black) african Bishop stated something like «In the year 2700 the white people will have wasted all resources. Then the era of the black people will begin». Anyway: no real kind of starvation over here, on my side. --steffen