>On Wed, 15 May 2024 10:38:53 +0200 (GMT+02:00) >sirjofri wrote: > > Hey vic, > > There are a few different issues I see with your mails: > Last, we're not a company. People who do the work are the ones > organizing. Those people don't like to see strangers organizing their > stuff without any contribution. If you can write software, try to > organize yourself and give something back to the community. Hunt for > bugs and fix them, or write tools that helps people, or improve the > documentation. This should help the community much more than > top-level organization when there is no top-level. As a long-time lurker, I'd like to offer the following URLs as evidence the preceding paragraph should be taken as culturally normative: https://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html https://catb.org/~esr/faqs/loginataka.html This is the way hackers work, together, on building a better world. -- Svi moji e-mailovi su kriptografski potpisani. Proverite ih. All of my e-mails are cryptographically signed. Verify them. -- You don't need an AI for a robot uprising. Humans will do just fine. --