Thanks for saying what I didn't have the words to say. May I quote you forever?


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 1:07 PM, Noah Evans <> wrote:
There's nothing wrong with being new.   There's nothing wrong with being polite either.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 10, 2009, at 6:52 PM, John Floren <> wrote:

At least once a month it happens. We can't escape. We're forever
doomed to get a "Can I use Plan 9 as my desktop OS for web browsing
and watching movies and stuff?" thread every couple weeks, because
people are only willing to spend juuuust enough effort to find the
Plan 9 web page and subscribe to 9fans.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:30 AM, André Günther<> wrote:
there's a thing called mailing list archives.
and you know..heh..there's this funny thing..dunno, it's called google or
what you do is: type some words and then hit return...and wooha it searches
like the whole web. it's magic.

On Jul 10, 2009, at 6:05 PM, Lorenzo Bolla wrote:

Hi all,
I've just installed (with few difficulties, I must admit) a fresh Plan9 on
my Dell Inspiron laptop.
I played with it and I'd really like to study it and get used to it.
Ideally, I would like to make it my "everyday OS", to do all the nice
stuff you can do with a computer (a part from work and study), like browsing
the web, watching movies and so on...
Is anyone using it for such things?
Is there, for example, a decent browser for Plan9 (I haven't found any)?
Or a music/movie player?

Thanks in advance,

"I've tried programming Ruby on Rails, following TechCrunch in my RSS
reader, and drinking absinthe. It doesn't work. I'm going back to C,
Hunter S. Thompson, and cheap whiskey." -- Ted Dziuba