> From: Andrew Simmons [mailto:andrew.simmons@monitorbm.co.nz] > >To be honest, i got this some months ago, just before i installed plan9 > >distro at home. And only now i'm back to using it. so i don't realy > >remember where i got it :) Here's the readme.txt: > That would be the port of the second edition tools, which as far as I know > doesn't include acme. hum.. true... what's the acme thingy i'm running here? maybe it's inferno indeed. It's just that after i instaled those things the workload just got high. > On the up-arrow thing, I used to find it disconcerting at first, but now I > wouldn't want to go back. It's really liberating to be able to use the > whole area of the 9term window as a scratchpad in which to assemble > commands, highlight them, and execute using the right mouse button and > "send" command. Try it a bit more, and you might get to love it. yeah, that way is not all that bad. I was snarfing, pasting, clicking on the end, pressing return. but i still think that that taking the hands off the keyboard is pointless here. maybe something like csh's !! and history would do the trick... > I don't know about the prompt - I prefer it without the path, which takes > up most of the line these days, especially if, which God forbid, you're in but if you really need to know the path, not having it in the prompt (or how i set my xterms, in the window title) is a little dangerous while doing ten things at a time... specialy if you have memory like mine :) Gabriel