Hmm, used the 'normal' iso, and was finished in ~ 5 minutes. How far behind, or how far off, is the VESA ISO?
Is there any thing 'we' could to do test & further it?

On 11/3/05, LiteStar numnums < > wrote:
Hello all,
 Did something major change on the VESA ISO from I use it alot here, and recently (yester eve? morn?)
grabbed a fresh copy to install on a machine here, which not only died when starting rio, but took about
1/2 hour to actually start. After much digging, I found the old CD, which worked fine. I can give more specifics if
this would help. Thanks in advance,
 -- Stefan

The subject of this essay (the Myth of Sisyphus) is precisely
this relationship between the absurd and suicide, the exact
degree to which suicide is a solution to the absurd. The
principle can be established that for a man who does not cheat,
what he believes to be true must determine his action.
Belief in the absurdity of existence must then dictate his
conduct. It is legitimate to wonder, clearly and without
false pathos, whether a conclusion of this importance
requires forsaking as rapidly possiblean imcompre-
hensible condition. I am speaking, of course, of men
inclined to be in harmony with themselves.
  << Albert Camus>>

Nietzsche's first step is to accept what he knows. Atheism for him goes without saying and is "contructive and
radical". Nietzsche's supreme vocation, so he says, is to provoke a kind of crisis and a final decision about the
problem of atheism. The world continues on its course at random and there is nothing final about it. Thus God
is useless, since He wants nothing in particular. If he wanted something -- and here we recognize the traditional
forumlation of the problem of evil -- He would have to assume responsiblity for "a sum total of pain and inconsistency
which would debase the entire value of being born."
-- Albert Camus, L'Homme révolté