This doesn't seem to be necessarily Plan9 problem, because I have a Neomagic in a TP 570 (will find the exact NeoMagic Nr. momentarily), and it blanks with certain modes of X (from OpenBSD) and all modes when returning to text mode from X. Did you have a problem with this card on another OS too?

On 11/12/05, Uriel <> wrote:
On my Thinkpad 600X(Neomagic NM2360, MagicMedia 256ZX) I get a blank
screen, tried the 800x600x8 and 1024x768x16 resolutions with the same

The neomagic driver doesn't work properly with this card: the image is
displaced right and to the bottom and what is off the screen shows at
the top but with strange artifacts and noise.


On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 04:24:44PM -0500, Russ Cox wrote:
> If you have a vga card that works with vesa,
> especially if it doesn't work without vesa, please
> add it to the wiki page [supported PC hardware]:
> Thanks to Dave Eckhardt for the suggestion.
> Russ

Nietzsche's first step is to accept what he knows. Atheism for him goes without saying and is "contructive and
radical". Nietzsche's supreme vocation, so he says, is to provoke a kind of crisis and a final decision about the
problem of atheism. The world continues on its course at random and there is nothing final about it. Thus God
is useless, since He wants nothing in particular. If he wanted something -- and here we recognize the traditional
forumlation of the problem of evil -- He would have to assume responsiblity for "a sum total of pain and inconsistency
which would debase the entire value of being born."
-- Albert Camus, L'Homme révolté