The whole AT&T vs. BSD lawsuit fiasco scared alot of people away from BSD.

On 4/2/06, Skip Tavakkolian < > wrote:
> As for 386-hardware, I already mentioned that Bruce Evans had a
> legitimate minix-386 going, whether virtual memory was involved or
> not, I have no recollection.  The licencing, I recall, was that you
> had to have paid for the source distribution and you were then
> entitled to all subsequent upgrades and so on.  I did not get the
> impression that it was a show stopper at the time, I paid considerably
> more for Plan 9 with a much more restrictive licence.

I seem to recall that 386BSD was available at about the same time.  i
don't know why it didn't catch on the way linux did.

Nietzsche's first step is to accept what he knows. Atheism for him goes without saying and is "contructive and
radical". Nietzsche's supreme vocation, so he says, is to provoke a kind of crisis and a final decision about the
problem of atheism. The world continues on its course at random and there is nothing final about it. Thus God
is useless, since He wants nothing in particular. If he wanted something -- and here we recognize the traditional
forumlation of the problem of evil -- He would have to assume responsiblity for "a sum total of pain and inconsistency
which would debase the entire value of being born."
-- Albert Camus, L'Homme révolté