Well, for all the crap that autoconf addes, it still couldn't tell what was wrong when building glibc. I had to build a tiny program to check out what was really happening...

On 5/8/06, Harri Haataja <harriha@mail.student.oulu.fi> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 09:39:33AM -0700, Micah Stetson wrote:
> > http://udrepper.livejournal.com/7326.html:
> >     The only OSes supported in the [glibc] tree are Linux and to some
> > extend Hurd.
> >     ...
> >     For my new projects the razor is even sharper. Only Linux is supported...
> The part I find funny is that he calls everybody who doesn't like
> autoconf a "winer" (am I a winner, a whiner, or a wiener? there's a
> critical letter missing here)

You could be a winer: http://winehq.org

: Bandwidth is no longer as expensive, so that's no excuse
: anymore.
It's not a matter of bandwidth any more, it's a matter of manners.
                -- Robert A. Uhl and Dave Brown, on .sigs, in the Monastery

Nietzsche's first step is to accept what he knows. Atheism for him goes without saying and is "contructive and
radical". Nietzsche's supreme vocation, so he says, is to provoke a kind of crisis and a final decision about the
problem of atheism. The world continues on its course at random and there is nothing final about it. Thus God
is useless, since He wants nothing in particular. If he wanted something -- and here we recognize the traditional
forumlation of the problem of evil -- He would have to assume responsiblity for "a sum total of pain and inconsistency
which would debase the entire value of being born."
-- Albert Camus, L'Homme révolté