You could download qemu & boot it with that to see if it is a image or actually a hardware
problem. Besides, for a new user, qemu may be better anyway (no need to blow away
working OS, plus you can switch in and out of it).

On 6/11/06, e.c.sharpe <> wrote:
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 22:04:03 +0200
"Rodolfo (kix)" <> wrote:

> What is the problem?

Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear?
The disc just doesn't boot. I can mount it and look at it but
my machine doesn't find it bootable.  I want to determine
(before burning a new one) whether it's the disc or a hardware
incompatability, so I ask if anyone has knowledge of this
specific model's (Toshiba Portege 7020ct) compatablity with
Plan9 (fourth edition). I burned it on a Debian machine using
cdrecord from the CLI, as I've done previously with iso


> 2006/6/11, e.c.sharpe <>:
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I have been reading about Plan9 and am very keen to try it
> > out, so I downloaded the iso and burned it to a cd but
> > couldn't get it to boot on my Toshiba Portege 7020ct.
> > Proably I just wrote a bad disc but before I retry I
> > wanted to ask if anyone has got it running on or knows any
> > reason why it wouldn't run on this machine? I've seen
> > quite a few reports of it running on a Toshiba Satellite,
> > nothing about the Portege though.
> >
> > Also, I have really enjoyed lurking here recently, you
> > have a really lively community.
> >
> > Thanks Much,
> > ecs
> >
> --
> Rodolfo García "kix"

Lead thou me on, O Zeus, and Destiny,
To that goal long ago to me assigned.
I'll follow and not falter; if my will
Prove weak and craven, still I'll follow on.
-- Epictetus