yeah, that would be nice to have, especially in sources (where i can easily access it nearly everywhere).

On 7/26/06, Ronald G Minnich <> wrote:
Charles Forsyth wrote:
> this talk of embedded devices reminds me that
> we've got a kencc compiler and a little library for the atmel avr series.
> if anyone is interested, let me know, and i'll bundle it up.
> hint: it's called za/zc/zl because it's the last architecture you'd choose to use;
> but berkeley popularised it, so what do i know?
can you put it on sources?


Lead thou me on, O Zeus, and Destiny,
To that goal long ago to me assigned.
I'll follow and not falter; if my will
Prove weak and craven, still I'll follow on.
-- Epictetus

He who enters his wife's dressing room is a philosopher or a fool. -- Balzac