Hullo, Athens voted to give Socrates a farewell toast; it wasn't particularly useful to anyone involved. brucee might've been acerbic, but you risk having your statements answered acerbically on teh interwebs & off. I, for one, enjoy reading almost 100% of what's posted to 9fans, and of the few times that I have written brucee, all have been met with the same courteous, if terse, style. I'd hate to lose anyone who posts to 9fans, not the least of whom would be Erik nor brucee. Cheers, -- LS On Feb 18, 2008 1:22 AM, Robert William Fuller wrote: > Bruce Ellis wrote: > > how did this get past my erik filter? > > > > wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. > > > > four out of four as expected. > > Erik, > > Don't let the bastards get you down. Believe me when I say you're not > the only one who would vote Bruce off the list if it were an option. > > The number one barrier to the advancement of Plan9 is some of the > louder, more unsavory personalities surrounding the project. 9fans > seems to be frequented by more than a few jealous, wanna-be Linus's. > They are the project's greatest liability. > > Regards, > > Rob > -- "By cosmic rule, as day yields night, so winter summer, war peace, plenty famine. All things change. Air penetrates the lump of myrrh, until the joining bodies die and rise again in smoke called incense." "Men do not know how that which is drawn in different directions harmonises with itself. The harmonious structure of the world depends upon opposite tension like that of the bow and the lyre." "This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures" -- Heraclitus