On Jul 19, 2014, at 8:02 , dante wrote: > My whole argument goes about the following hypotheses: > 1. increasing the amount of contributions may not scale in the current model. Okay, it *may* not. But we have no evidence of that. There's no indication that the current distribution model represents a scaling problem (it may represent a higher barrier to entry, but that's a different claim). I'm pretty convinced (from using the system, and having worked in shared environments using this model) that the limiting factor to scale is human attention. > 2. submitting trivial contributions is not trivial for the contributor. While on Plan 9, it's pretty darn easy. I'll grant that it's not trivial if you're not on Plan 9. I'm not convinced that's worth spending much attention on fixing (I suspect we're likely to get better contributions from people using the system for real), but it is fixable without changing the model. It wouldn't be hard to write a patch(1) for plan9port. Go to town. But you'll want to do so after being familiar with the normal operation. Anthony