I have the same problem, but:

* I am not using venti
* I am using Intel centrino mobile 1.6
* The usb mouse cursor freezes, but the ps2 (touchpad) mouse continues running.

And the problem only happen sometimes, and probably without acme too. (I cant remember because acme is always running :-))

In the other hand, I have a Logitech cordless mouse with wheel, but I cant use the wheel. With my "Saitek" mouse, with cable, I dont have any problem (the wheel goes well). why?

2006/1/2, Vester Thacker <vester.thacker@gmail.com>:
I am having a problem while editing with Acme. After a few minutes of
editing my mouse cursor freezes. Has anyone experienced this before?

Background: I'm using an amd64 (compaq r3140) laptop with a usb mouse.
The laptop is running a fossil+venti install and it has completed it's
initial snap. As glenda, I added a new user and began to edit the
network settings before the freeze occurred.
