go get 9fans.net/go/acme/Watch

It watches the current dir and runs a given command if any file in this dir changes. Actually think of Watch more as inspiration!

You may be better off relying on git — watch .git/HEAD (changes when you switch branches) and watch what it is pointing to (changes when there is a commit or pull etc.), figure out what changed, which acme windows are relevant and update their body. There is still the issue of what to do if a file that changed has been edited. Or the file has been deleted or renamed. And there is a potential race — you may be editing a window when window body gets switched underneath! It may be better to print commands to do all this and leave it upto the user.

May be add a reload command that reads a window's tag and reload its body from the opened file.

On Feb 15, 2017, at 11:32 AM, Paul Lalonde <paul.a.lalonde@gmail.com> wrote:

Do you have a pointer to Russ's Watch?  I quick dig shows I have poor Google-fu.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:23 PM Bakul Shah <bakul@bitblocks.com> wrote:
May be use Russ'es Watch command?

> On Feb 15, 2017, at 5:05 AM, Paul Lalonde <paul.a.lalonde@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know I'm not the only acme user who uses Git extensively :-)
> Is there some way to tell if a file is changed on disk that is open in an editor window?  I frequently change branches and I often find myself editing stale versions.  I notice when comes time to Put, but that's a bit late.
> Any tips to share?
> Paul