Hi, I am struggling with ppp dialup to my ISP The session appears to start but I cannot ip/ping my DNS server's IP address. I have turned on the log (two -d's) and am authenticating by hand (-u option) to stop PAP/CHAP confusing the issue but I still cannot connect. [BTW the manual page ignores the support for PAP authentication] I have studied the RFC's quite carefully and tried adding more debug to ppp.c but I still cannot see where it is hanging. I now need to go to a deeper level of understanding or... find someone who knows more than I. So, here is how I start ppp #!/bin/rc ip/ppp -d -d -P -f -u -b 57600 -p /dev/eia1 >[2] /sys/log/ppp DNSSERVER='' ndb/dns -r -d -d -d And attached is the log of a session and the contents of /net/ndb; the log includes timestamps. Its very suspicious that the Nameserver's address is '::' (bad IPv6 address ?) Any help gratefully received, -Steve ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this communication are confidential to the normal user of the email address to which it was sent. If you have received this email in error, any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. If this is the case, please notify the sender and delete this message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --