On 12/7/05, geoff@collyer.net <geoff@collyer.net> wrote:
I like Ken's comment in A New C Compiler:

Volatile seems to have no meaning, so it is hard to tell if ignoring
it is a departure from the standard.  Const only confuses library
interfaces with the hope of catching some rare errors.

Volatile is useful for telling compilers not to stick  data in registers, which is helpful for multi-threaded situations with shared memory ... sometimes :)

If I were to write a semaphore or another synchronization method using shared memory on unix I'd probably type volatile and then pray :).

It often feels more of a faith issue than a knowledge issue though :)

Const is ok, sometimes, in some languages [C++].  It's notoriously difficult to add const interfaacs to C++ classes as an afterthought.  You have to go in "full const" or none at all.  Adding it afterwards causes a great deal of pain tracking down all the places you needed const when you didn't put it there. 

It's like playing pick up sticks with your buttcheeks. - [I think] the late John Candy.