On 12/13/05, Skip Tavakkolian <9nut@9netics.com> wrote:
> The subject of this thread is about MS Research reinventing Inferno... I
> think that's a good indication some people thought it was "merely"
> derivative :)

it was a question, hence the '?'

my point, as i clarified later, is the lack of acknowledgement for
prior work.  the victors write the history.  how the majority
perceive the history, becomes reality.


btw, the first i saw the concept of combining resources, services and
files in a name space, was plan9.  am i wrong?

I'm not saying you're wrong.  I'm saying that I don't think many ideas are truly "original" to begin with.  Just combinations of past ideas in new ways perhaps.

Wish we could convince the patent system of that.