On 2/4/06, andrey mirtchovski <mirtchovski@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found a really new mail system out there! It stops Spam, is easy to use
> and you don't need a special mail client for it. The mail gets to your
> mail box in front of your house and you only need to collect it, when you
> come back from work.

"Junk mail is an ongoing problem for the average American.
Here are facts and figures, as well as ways to reduce junk mail at home…

- The average American receives 677 sales pitches per year. This uses
28 billion gallons of water and more than 68 million trees!
- 44% of unsolicited junk mail is never read or opened. Most of this
waste isn't recycled.

I am really glad my apartment complex has a mixed waste paper receptacle by our mailboxes :)... That stuff lasts about 2 seconds in my hands.

- Eight months of the average American life is spent sifting through junk mail!"

And one seventh of everyone's life is spent on Monday... even more depressing.