On 3/6/07, lucio@proxima.alt.za <lucio@proxima.alt.za> wrote:
> fuck 'em!
>> this is not just a matter of "we are so smart, we get rio, and no one
>> else does, so F*** 'em!". I know lots of smart peope. One look at rio
>> is enough to put them off their feed, and to chase them away from Plan
>> 9. Plan 9 is not just about rio -- at least to me.

Matt has a point.  If we all limited ourselves to activities that are
pleasant from the very beginning, I doubt human civilisaton would have
ever occured.  From personal experience even sex requires overcoming
some discomfort before reaching ecstasy and I understand it's a lot
worse for women, nevermind such things as whisky drinking or winning a

Why do we expect our computer usage to require no sacrifices at all?

I have one that seems to require a burned chicken to get it to boot, but that's besides the point.

honestly, anyone played with omero?  I did for a few minutes and should really try it again I think...  I'm actually thinking I might load Plan B on my Plan 9 file/cpu/auth server and try to drawterm to it.  (It should work right?)



- Passage Matthew 5:37:
   But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.