On 6/20/07, Jack Johnson <knapjack@gmail.com> wrote:
On 6/19/07, Bruce Ellis <bruce.ellis@gmail.com> wrote:
> opinionated inaccurate posts on ./ - no way.

I'm surprised no one caught/mentioned this:


The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills


6. C programming
As the Web takes over, C languages are also becoming less relevant,
according to Padveen. "C++ and C Sharp are still alive and kicking,
but try to find a basic C-only programmer today, and you'll likely
find a guy that's unemployed and/or training for a new skill," he



I beg to differ, I know lots of C programmers, and only few good ones :-)  (And I don't consider myself to be that great either...)

I actually did learn C++ before C too, that probably screwed me up for good.

What's a kid in an under-funded school to do when the only way he feels he can learn to program is to save up and buy a copy of Turbo C++ for DOS :-)  (also known as the last IDE system I ever liked.)
