Is the "patch" system still working?

It's been a while since I looked.

On 7/19/07, Antonin <> wrote:
I suggest a small change to /rc/bin/cpurc to allow different
configuration of running services on multiple cpu servers:
Insert these 4 lines:

# cpu-specific startup
if(test -d /cfg/$sysname/
service)                                          <-- inserted
  /bin/bind /cfg/$sysname/service /rc/bin/service
<-- inserted
if(test -d /cfg/$sysname/
service.auth)                                  <-- inserted
  /bin/bind /cfg/$sysname/service.auth /rc/bin/service.auth    <--
if(test -e /cfg/$sysname/cpurc)
  . /cfg/$sysname/cpurc


- Passage Matthew 5:37:
   But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.