On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Russ Cox <rsc@swtch.com> wrote:
Replying to many messages... please read to find yours.

> Yep that's working ok.  Though I'm losing the ability to send capital
> letters to X11 in general, I'm not sure if that's an artifact of this or
> not.

Almost certainly not.  The -F workaround is about new fork
semantics.  The capital letters thing may be that I missed an
OS X-specific fix in the X code, imported from p9p.
I hope someone will take it upon themselves to hook the
drawterm Carbon code in instead.

I think there's a high chance Carbon will be "effectively dead" in 6 months time.  Snow Leopard looms.  (10.6),  Carbon may still exist, but I wouldn't want to bet any future reliance on it.

It's probably time for a new Cocoa variant of this stuff. 
Then again, I have to wonder about Snow Leopard and *any* 32bit applications...  I didn't go to WWDC and even if I did, I probably couldn't share that information thanks to Apple's openness.
