On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Russ Cox <rsc@swtch.com> wrote:
There are new sources and binaries in the usual places.

If you missed the announcement before, there is now
a Mercurial repository at http://hg.pdos.csail.mit.edu/hg/vx32/

The OS X code seems to have stabilized, and it doesn't
require X11 anymore.  I think there are OS X bugs tickled
by having signals flying all over the place: I've seen both
pthread_cond_wait and pipe read miss the corresponding
pthread_cond_signal or pipe write.  If someone who is
knowledgeable wants to take a look, see 9vx/sched.c.
I've worked around the bugs, so you shouldn't see hangs
anymore.  You might see the occasional 1-second hiccup.


Got this... still seems a little slow here and there on cpu and cp, but they complete.

Also I ran ssh2 without factotum and got a crash... not sure if that's expected or not.

247 ssh2: unhandled fault va=0 [1100000] eip=bee1b
cpu0: registers for ssh2 247
  AX 00000000  BX 001339C1  CX FFFFFFFF  DX 000FF2F2
  SI FFFFFFFF  DI 00000000  BP 00000000