On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 2:28 AM, <lucio@proxima.alt.za> wrote:
> Mozilla didn't create the web.  The web created Mozilla.

And the Internet created the web?  And the PC gave rise to Lotus

Not necessarily.  Nothing gave the Internet (here in South Africa) as
much a boost as Win'95.  The Web wouldn't have been the same success
without Netscape.  So there you are, which is the cart and which the

I think they're co-dependent factors.  People wanted to get on the web, so they got a browser.  People didn't want to use a browser for the sake of using a browser :-).

If win95 made it easy to get a browser, people got it, so they could get on the web.  

Did browsers make the web more useful?  Yep, most definitely for most folks, which is where the pressure to use a browser on the internet came from to begin with.

Linux's killer application was apache.  Maybe Win95's was Mozilla/Internet Explorer ?

Plan 9 has... acme, rio and other cool tools as well as just being Plan 9 itself?  It's compelling to a subset of programmers probably... not so much for grandma though :-)

To me, this means Plan 9 will always be somewhat of a niche system, until it gets a "killer application" that *everyone* must have and no other platform is good at providing.

Key words are no other and everyone :-)  

But who's to say the situation we have now is bad?  Use it if you like, it, and try to contribute, otherwise don't use it and use something else?  That or try to change the situation.

None of this talking is really getting anywhere, as it seems to be a constant rehash of discussions had over and over.

