On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Bakul Shah <bakul+plan9@bitblocks.com> wrote:
On Mon, 07 Jul 2008 20:55:36 BST Charles Forsyth <forsyth@terzarima.net>  wrote:
> > It contains executable code but it is not an executable in
> > the sense you don't directly feed it to exec(2).  A lisp
> in the script you gave earlier
>       #!/usr/local/bin/cmucl -script
>       (format t "Hello, World!~%")
> cmucl is directly executable but that's presumably the original
> lisp image; where is the new "core image" mentioned that makes
> the script run quickly?

cmucl is directly executable but it has only enough
intelligence to load a big lisp.core, which contains all the

Right, then 

(format t "Hello, World!~%") 

basically gets "read" then compiled then executed right?  (thinking REPL here)

Right?  At least that's how SBCL works based on my understanding.