On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Bernd R. Fix <Bernd.Fix@aspector.com> wrote:
David Leimbach schrieb:
> Anyway to get a non GPL v3 licensed version from you?  I may not be able to
> use this implementation for what I want otherwise.
> I was actually planning on doing this myself, anyway at one point, and
> BSDLng it.

I guess there is a clash of licenses between your project and J9P. So
what licence are you using (I assume it is no commercial project) and
what makes it problematic? I am not too deep into this licensing business.

Believe it or not... it may be in a commercial product, and one of the reasons why I may implement it myself.

Right now it's just a bit of a brainstorming session I've had with others for a need for something that 9p might be able to handle.


As (currently) sole copyright holder I can make exceptions, but I feel
that this problem should be solved in a more general way. Any ideas?
Feel free to contact me via private mail on this.

Makes sense.  One way I can get around this problem is to have the 9p act as a proxy for another interface, but that can add a lot of extra fragility (like RMI... yuck.).  Then the 9p server can run standalone, and be all GPL'd but then it would consume our other programming interface remotely, and without linkage.

Perhaps this is why Plan 9 folks usually don't have problems with the GPL... there's no linkage to speak of in terms of programming.  It's the same relationship of a web browser to a web server, and for the GPL to claim that if a browser talks to a web server, that the browser must also be GPL'd, I just don't think anyone would let it get that far :-).

I thought about using the LGPL for the project and might reconsider that
once a stable stage is reached.


N.B.: The project is in an very early stage of development and will need
quite some debugging and extension before you can use it seriously!

I realize this... and haven't even downloaded it yet, but I commend your efforts on doing this :-).  

> I figured the best way to understand 9p would  be to implement it :-)

Me too - and my strongest motivation during the initial development.


Regards, Bernd.
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