On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 4:38 PM, <jt@0xabadba.be> wrote:
Mr Leimbach,


How would one know one wasn't getting old data?  I've not really looked into replica much though honestly to know how it works, I've just followed the wiki about "staying up to date".  Perhaps the wiki could be mirrored as well, and we could get a distributed update script?

Perhaps this is an area of improvement for Plan 9 in general.


     You can find the wiki here : http://9.9souldier.org/wiki.plan9/plan_9_wiki/
     Sources can be found here : sources.lsub.org -- though i'm not sure how up to date they are -- they seem very reliable


Yeah I guess I was not very clear.  How does one find the most up to date mirror :-).  How do we know which one is closest to the authoritative source, or should we care?


james francis toy (nil)