You totally misrepresented yourself with 2 questions.... You can download Plan 9 from any OS that will let you have an internet connection and download plan 9. When you install it you can install it virtualized or on hardware, but check the wiki and documentation for successful configurations perhaps first, or just give it a try. I believe there is TeX for Plan 9, but I've not used it. There is a POSIX compatibility layer for Plan 9 that may help you get things ported that you want to run (ape) and I believe there is experimental linux binary support though i've never seen it working, screenshot or otherwise, nor have I tried to make it work. Good luck! On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 2:20 AM, xiantingmanbu wrote: > hi everyone: > I have two questions : A has anyone installed plan 9 through > internet from Windows XP ? If so, how to get it ? B: can MetaPost , > ConTeXt etc. TeX --- related programs be ported into plan 9 ? I know > TeX and MetaFont can do it, but i need more TeX ---related programs > for my work...if so .how to port them.? > looking forwards for answers...... Thanks first...... > >