Steve, can you list the total configuration of this machine... motherboard model etc?  This sounds a lot like what I was thinking of building for home.

I also would like to try Erik's new ISO, but sadly, haven't had a lot of free time to do anything with it.  (I already downloaded it)


On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Steve Simon <> wrote:
I have had loads of problems trying to build a new machine,
Erik has helpd way beyond the call of duty, and finally I
have a working machine.

The problems where:
       realteck rtl8169 GigE - erik's driver works a treat
       An intermitant PSU - RMA'ed to supplier
       SATA - Eriks new sd driver works nicely
       A PATA DVDRW which devata ignores.

So, all sorted but now I need an IDE (parallel) DVDRW
drive which does work. I was going to just buy a Plexstor
drive as being the reliable name but they seem to be silly money.

anyone any suggestions?
