On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:33 AM, erik quanstrom <quanstro@quanstro.net> wrote:
> I mean, say your company has 25 satellite offices... why should they all
> have to do redundant work to update all the systems across the board.  Isn't
> the repetition going to cause a higher chance of someone missing something?

absent the plan 9 terminal model, who updates users' machines?

Right, that was the big illogical hole in the plan they had.  I couldn't figure out why anyone who had everything the company needed for business production and work, would want to use a PC with local storage for a terminal system to a mainframe that basically couldn't do too much more.

I guess PCs were a cheap way to go, or Dell (or whomever it was) gave them a great deal or something to make it seem it was worth their while.

Even all the email was on the mainframe, but it wasn't called email, it was something else.  

I suppose a few people may have needed word processing or spreadsheets or whatever, but that was only because there was no way developed to do word processing or spreadsheets on the mainframe.

Old stuff becoming new again shouldn't be surprising to anyone at this point though I guess.


- erik