On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Gabriel Díaz <gdiaz@rejaa.com> wrote:

"How do I get my employer to need plan9?"

Given the experiences posted by some of the plan9 inventors in other thread, this seems to be an almost impossible task, unless you make your own business or change you're employer for someone which already uses plan9. I guess.

It is a bit discouraging for a fan who has the hope to get his employer need plan9 i think. I already gave up on this.

I think size of company matters too.  We're a really small group where I work, and getting things done correctly is actually valued a bit more than the means by which it gets done.   

It's that mentality that let me throw off the shackles of Java for Erlang and Haskell for a lot of the code I'm responsible for.  I might even try to push my luck soon and get permission to rewrite a small but really important chunk of code in Go if i can prove to myself, and then to others, that it's a good idea :-)




----- Original Message ----
From: Steve Simon <steve@quintile.net>
To: 9fans@9fans.net
Sent: Thu, March 18, 2010 9:04:56 AM
Subject: Re: [9fans] more little hardware

> Honestly, I think it would loads of fun to do, but I probably wouldn't use
> it myself once done, I don't have the free time to do it, and I don't
> know of a way to do it for work...

The story of my (plan9) life...

I should add that there is also lots of stuff I _would_ use
that I don't have time to write.

my big question is "How do I get my employer to need plan9?"
