On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 5:02 PM, EBo <ebo@sandien.com> wrote:
No!  I'm glad that it is open source.  I would not have even given it a second
glance if it was not.  If Linus had access to Plan 9 as a base I think things
could have looked very different now, and possibly for the better.

I don't think that's true... he's been on this list, and he's had his say about how he thinks about the way things work in Plan 9.







> I don't get your reasoning. Do you want to say we would be better off
> if they had not released it?!
> On 3/21/10, EBo <ebo@sandien.com> wrote:
> >
> >> no, it's just badly designed. Working with a bad design gives me a
> >> splitting headache. I make my living doing linux but that doesn't mean
> >> I have to worship at the altar, right?
> >
> > To bad plan 9 was publicly released just after Linus started working on
> > Linux.
> >  Oh well.  It's all about timing.