Dave Eckhardt wrote: >>i think it would be possible, and might be interesting, to do a file >>system type (or types) that did better what these things are trying >>to do. >> >> > >One piece of work in this area is VESTA: > http://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/DEC/SRC/technical-notes/SRC-1999-001.pdf > http://www.research.compaq.com/SRC/vesta > > That second url doesn't seem to work, but I found http://www.vestasys.org/ -- Wes Kussmaul CIO The Village Group 738 Main Street Waltham, MA 02451 781-647-7178 My uncle likes to say that the world's biggest troubles started when the serpent said, "Try this fruit, and by the way if a bunch of people collectively calling themselves Arthur Andersen signs something it's the same as if a person named Arthur Andersen signed it." I don't get the serpent and fruit part. Must be some Swiss mythology thing. He can be a bit obscure. P.K. Iggy _How I Like Fixed The Internet_ (Tales from the Great Infodepression of 2009 and the prosperity that followed)